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Julia Boorstin ’00 on Women Who Lead

Tagged with: Class Notes, Julia Boorstin

126 words; 1 minutes to read.

Julia Boorstin ’00 is the author of When Women Lead: What They Achieve, Why They Succeed, How We Can Learn From Them. She is also CNBC’s senior media and tech correspondent and a part of the network’s tech-focused show, Tech Check. In her new book she tells the stories of dozens of female leaders who have defied the odds, weaving them together with research and studies on the power of these women’s approaches, explaining how everyone can learn from them. Boorstin suggests some leadership traits that have traditionally been seen as more “female” — empathy, vulnerability, gratitude, and a communal approach — are exactly what everyone needs right now to succeed in business. Here are three books about female leaders that inspired her.


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