Reunions is May 22-25, 2025…Register Now!

Our 25th Reunion will take place on the Princeton University campus from May 22-25, 2025.

  • If you pre-ordered linens (e.g. sheets, towels, blankets, and pillow) and are staying on-campus, they will be placed in your dorm room in advance of your arrival. When you depart, you will return your linen rentals to the registration table at Whitman College. Please confirm that a crew member marks your items as returned.
  • As a reminder, there will be a $50 charge per set of bed linens that are not properly returned at the conclusion of the event.

Parking is extremely limited, and attendees are strongly encouraged to use hotel shuttles, transit, or carpool when traveling to campus. For more information on shuttle service, accessible parking, and the Reunions Headquarters and Parking map, please visit the Parking and Transportation page of the Reunions website.

When you arrive on campus, Registration for the 25th will be in Whitman Courtyard. If you have been allotted a bed on campus, the housing check in is located at the Dillon Gym tent.

Princeton has partnered with YWCA Princeton to offer its traditional “Tiger Camp” childcare during Reunions Friday, May 23, to Saturday, May 24. Kids from 3 months to 12 years are welcome. You can register your children here. We will also be planning a host of activities at our Headquarters site for families with kids. Please note that we are not legally allowed to provide child care onsite.

Here is a list of local hotels that have historically been serviced by Reunions Shuttles.Limited on-campus housing will be allocated via lottery in mid-February. Those who receive beds will be emailed, and room assignments will be distributed by University housing representatives at check-in.For those who indicate interest in on-campus housing but do not receive beds, an email will also be sent in mid-February offering alternative housing options (the class is investigating housing at Rider College for these classmates and their guests).

Please notify registration as soon possible. They will check to see who is next on the waitlist queue. If you need to cancel after April 30, 2025, and if there is a taker on the waitlist, you will be refunded your housing fee. If not, we still have to pay Princeton for the bed, and we will not be able to refund the fee.

We will have a limited allotment of on-campus beds. On-campus beds provide a more affordable housing option than staying at a nearby hotel. However, we want you to understand some important considerations regarding on-campus beds:

  • We cannot guarantee specific rooming assignments, and assignments will not be known until shortly before the event.
  • We will do our best to keep you and your guests together first, followed by requests to be with other members of the Class.
  • Nevertheless, your party may be split across multiple rooms.
  • Linens can be rented at registration. The package is $30 for the weekend, and includes two sheets, a pillow and pillowcase, a blanket, two bth towels, and a washcloth. Alternatively, you can bring pillow/sheets/towels yourself.
  • Beds are purchased during Reunions Registration. If you have already registered for reunions but want to add on-campus housing to your registration, please reach out to Registration
  • Note: You may purchase one (1) on-campus bed for each 3-Day (Full Weekend) Registration package ordered (applies for both adult and child registrations); to clarify, if you are purchasing a Saturday-Only registration ticket (and no 3-Day tickets) you will not be eligible to purchase an on-campus bed.
  • If we run out of on-campus beds, you will have the option to sign up for the wait list; you will be contacted later should beds become available.
  • NOTE: On-site housing accommodations are dormitory-style rooms which will require the use of a shared bathroom and shower facilities that are not part of the room itself.
  • On-campus bed details: $150 each; Linens can be rented for $30, or you can bring pillow/sheets/towels yourself.
  • On-site housing may be located anywhere on the Princeton campus.
  • On-site housing and room assignments will be arranged by the University (not by our classmate volunteers).
  • On-site housing and room assignments will NOT be known until you check-in on campus at Reunions.

The class is offering classmates who are staying in campus housing the opportunity to rent bed linens as an alternative to purchasing sheets and towels from the U-Store (which are often thrown away after the weekend, adding to textile waste and landfill usage, as many organizations do not accept donated bed linens). Princeton University is not offering linens for the 25th this year, but we felt it was important enough, for convenience and for environmental friendliness purposes, to pursue this on our own. Linens can be rented at registration. The package is $30 for the weekend, and includes two sheets, a pillow and pillowcase, a blanket, two bth towels, and a washcloth. Alternatively, you can bring pillow/sheets/towels yourself.

  • Hundreds of classmates will enter the lottery, and typically, twice as many people apply as there were beds allocated to our class by the University. Supply exceeded demand, and housing prices are fixed by the University.
  • We are investigating housing options at Rider University in Lawrenceville to help those who did not get housing through the lottery. The pricing is slightly different than Princeton University pricing, but still much more affordable than hotels. Rider has air conditioning, linen rental will be included, and it is on the shuttle route. Those who do not get on-campus housing need to indicate interest in Rider by the specified response deadline, and a survey link will be provided in an email.
  • You can also consider local hotels that might still have room block availability from the hotels list that we created this past summer.
  • Closer to Reunions, the University maintains a list of people looking to swap out hotel rooms.

Pro-tip: If you’re thinking about getting your jacket tailored for future Reunions (you’ll get them when you get to Reunions this year), it’s best to pick a size that lines up with your shoulder width, as that’s the hardest thing for a tailor to change. The shoulder width should go across your back from shoulder to shoulder, not from shoulder to the bottom of your collar and then back down.

  • Is December 13 a real deadline?
Sadly, yes. The costumes team has to lock down the list and do a sanity check on all the orders before they submit them to the supplier. You might get an email just confirming your selection this weekend, but yeah, it’s real.You will be able to buy a jacket after Reunions here. We think those should arrive in the fall (Oct/Nov)

  • Absolutely! These things have to last a while.

  • We’ve asked, but we truly don’t know if it’s possible to produce a late order in time for Reunions. The possibility may open up, but we don’t want to suggest it’s do-able for just a few dollars more, and then have you jacketless at the P-Rade. So get your order in by the deadline.
That said, you will be able to order one after Reunions, only it won’t arrive until next Oct/Nov, and that’s no fun.

  • Yes, you will be able to place a jacket order after Reunions. However, because these jackets will be in a smaller production run, the cost will be higher, which will also provide for shipping.
  • If you will not be attending Reunions, email jacket czar after the planning team has had a chance to recover from the weekend, but before June 5, with the subject line “LATE JACKET ORDER.”

  • Jackets are intended for classmates. However if your partner actually wants one? While I’m sure someone might grumble somewhere, if they’re into us, we’re into them. We’re only the fashion police.

-…if you’re stressed about getting your measurements just so, honestly, if know your blazer size…go with that. It runs true to size. It is a roomier traditional fit for the men’s blazer. The measurements on the chart are for a finished blazer, so if you are taking body measurements you will need to account for that in areas like chest and waist.

  • As the 25th Reunion class, we will be near the head of the P-rade, right behind the Old Guard.
We’ll meet at 1pm for our class photo at Blair Arch, then migrate to FitzRandolph Gate to gather for the P-Rade.After we march, the P-rade will continue for hours before the eating club barbecues and other activities commence.

Wristbands are not necessary during events such as the P-rade and Fireworks. Please note that wristbands are only required to enter Reunion headquarter sites after 5 p.m. with the exception of class-only meals.

  • Rovers — clearly marked, student-driven golf carts that serve as a mini transit connection on the core of campus — will operate throughout Reunions, Thursday through Saturday night.
  • Rovers are intended for alumni and guests with personal mobility limitations, the Old Guard, and families with young children.
  • Rovers will provide frequent service to the Theater Drive Garage and lot P20, the transit plaza, hotel shuttles, Forbes, and Reunions headquarters sites along Elm Drive and Chapel Drive.
  • In addition, the University’s new fleet of electric shuttles will loop the perimeter of campus, including the new Stadium Drive Garage and Lot 20 parking at the bottom of campus.
  • A map of TigerTransit campus shuttles and Rover routes will be available closer to Reunions on the Parking and Transportation page of the Reunions website.
  • During Reunions, you will be able to track hotel shuttles and campus shuttles on the Tiger Tracker mobile website.”

The Princeton University Events app is now available for download on Google Play and at the Apple App Store. The Reunions 2025 event will initially require that you enter an email address and case-sensitive last name to unlock. You must use the same email that you used to register through the Reunion IQ site.

The general Reunions schedule of open events is on the Reunions website. The schedule will also be available to attendees in a printed program and on the Reunions Events app for smartphones.For Class of 2000-specific events, please visit the Schedule section of this class website.

Registration hours are:

  • Thursday, May 22 | Noon - 11:00 pm
  • Friday, May 23 | 9:00 am - Midnight
  • Saturday, May 24 | 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
When you arrive on campus, Registration for the 25th will be in Whitman Courtyard. If you have been allotted a bed on campus, the housing check in is located at the Dillon Gym tent.

  • Option A: Find your original registration email (subject: Reunions 2025 Confirmation). Scroll to the bottom. You should see one button for “View Registration Details” and one for “Update My Registration.” Use the “Update” button to make any changes.
  • Option B: Navigate to the Reunions registration site and log in with Tigernet. You should be able to update the registration from there.
  • Option C: If you have tried both of these steps without success, capture a screenshot of the errors and email those to the Registration Chair.

  • Non-refundable deposits and fees must be paid over the course of planning our 25th, based upon our registration numbers. We do not have corporate budgets, and our major reunions are entirely funded by classmate registration fees. As such, cancellation terms are as follows:
  • Cancellations prior to 1/15/25 will receive a 75% refund;
  • Cancellations prior to 3/1/25 will receive a 50% refund;
  • After 3/1/25, no refund will be given.

Generating meaningful impact means a multi-pronged approach. Our class is striving to be more green on multiple fronts.

  • Sustainable Swag Choices. We are reducing the environmental impact of apparel and swag by choosing higher-quality, classic-design items that are made of sustainable natural materials
  • Smart (& Delicious) Food Choices. Like many large event planners, we can reduce food related greenhouse gas emissions via menu planning (ex. substituting chicken and fish for beef for a few meals, as well as offering more vegan and vegetarian options as dietary preferences indicate). We’re also trying to reduce food waste sent to landfill by minimizing over-ordering via more practical food counts and looking to compost leftovers. Where possible, we are using wine glasses and metal flatware at meals and compostable plates for some HQ meals.
  • Linen Rental Service for Campus Beds. The class is offering classmates who are staying in campus housing the opportunity to rent bed linens as an alternative to purchasing sheets and towels from the U-Store (which are often thrown away after the weekend, adding to textile waste and landfill usage, as many organizations do not accept donated bed linens). Linens can be rented at registration. The package is $30 for the weekend, and includes two sheets, a pillow and pillowcase, a blanket, two bth towels, and a washcloth. Alternatively, you can bring pillow/sheets/towels yourself. Princeton University is not offering linens for the 25th this year, but we felt it was important enough, for convenience and for environmental friendliness purposes, to pursue this on our own.
  • Carbon Offsets. Using classmate donations received at registration, we are purchasing high-quality, quantifiable, verifiable carbon offsets after Reunions in order to help mitigate emissions associated with Reunions travel.

  • Like many large festivals, Reunions has a large environmental footprint. For example, alumni travel on average 1,900 miles round trip, which equates to a travel-related carbon footprint of ~7,900 tons of CO2 (comparable to the annual electricity use of 1,500 US homes).
  • In addition, Reunions weekend generates a massive amount of landfill waste. The Greening Reunions Alumni Group (GRAWG) estimated that Reunions 2022 sent more than 320,000 single-use plastic cups to landfills and generated 110 tons of waste.
  • If music festivals are developing roadmaps to reduce their environmental footprints, and sporting events like the WM Phoenix Open have gone zero waste; Reunions can make meaningful progress as well! We care about the future of the planet for ourselves and for our tiger cubs, and we want to do our part.
  • If you’d like to learn more about the broader alumni efforts to make reunions more sustainable and communicate your support of these initiatives, check out the Greening Reunions site and their open letter to President Christopher Eisgruber.


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