Tagged with: dues
885 words; 4 minutes to read.
As we ramp up for our 25th, we would like to enlist your support to keep our class finances strong and fund programs & events as we head into Reunions and beyond. Our class dues participation rates have been dropping over the last few years so we wanted to take a moment to explain why we collect dues and what exactly these funds go to support. Class dues cycle on a fiscal year basis (i.e., July 1 – June 30) and fund the obligations of the class and are separate from Annual Giving, which supports the University. Each year these expenses include:
Dues Goals:
Our goal is to raise our dues participation rate and build class funds to support more class gatherings across the globe. We know you’re busy, and to make it easier, we’ve launched a variety of alternative dues payment plans. In addition to a simple one-time payment, we can now set up recurring annual payments, something many have asked for over the years. In addition, you can now set up a five-year advance payment option. Under this new structure, you can pay your dues with a 20% discount for this year and the next four to come so you can cross this action item off your list (at least until our 30th rolls around)! Finally, we’ve set up a one-time “lifetime” dues plan. If you’d like, you can make a one-time payment of…$2,000 and never worry about dues again! So there are now four options for paying your dues this fiscal year:
Pay your dues! (requires Tigernet login)
Please consider donating at your earliest convenience and if you are unsure if you have paid your dues last year or this year, just email our treasurer.
Dues Payers Receive Priority for On-Campus Reunions Housing
The Reunions committee has been hard at work securing housing both on and off campus for our class. As a thank you to those classmates whose continued participation enables our class to operate, we will be giving classmates who have paid dues for this year and last (FY 2024-2025 and 2023-2024 respectively) priority in the on-campus housing lottery. In years past, on campus housing has been limited and oversubscribed. This year is expected to be the same. Please note: Beds will first be assigned via a lottery among all classmates who meet the dues payment requirement by December 15, 2024. If you have not paid your 2023-2024 dues yet, you will have the opportunity to pay these dues in arrears in order to qualify. Any beds not assigned in this preferential lottery will then be made available in a lottery to the rest of the class.
For more 25th Reunion Housing details, including 2000 Hotel Blocks, please visit the Housing page
Finally, our class relies on the updates you send in with your dues! Even just a line or two about a recent move, a new job or baby, or a mini-Reunion with old friends keeps our Class Notes column current and fresh with news from classmates you may not see on Facebook or other social media. All updates submitted either via snail mail or the P2000 website are read! And, of course, you can always email Morey.
Your ideas are always welcome. We hope to see you all in Tigertown this June for Reunions 2025 (May 22-25)!